
Here is a work in progress list of my favorite dividend investing, personal finance, and frugality blogs.  Each of these has inspired me in their own way.

Captain Dividend
Dividend Driven
Dividend Epiphany
Dividend Mantra
Dividend Swan
Early Retirement Extreme
Financial Freedom
Financially Free by Forty
long term investments
Mr. Money Mustache
Passive Income Persuit
Project $3 Million
Roadmap 2 Retire
Write Your Own Reality


  1. Dividendasaur,

    Thanks for adding me to the Blograwr! I will be following along with your progress. You are already doing great over there.

  2. Hey there,

    I was poking around your site, reading your great content, and I saw you have an awesome resources page here.

    I actually have a blog on this exact topics. Check it out, lots of great stuff:

    What do you think about adding me to your list?
    (It will make my decade!)

    Talk soon!

